Case study of fibrosarcoma in a cat

In this case, a 14-year-old domestic cat whose owner did not want to perform a resection and whose fibrosarcoma seemed untreatable received LupArte 2.0 with additional iron. This resulted into an extreme tumor regression with clearly visible complete re-epithelialization of the melted tumor bed. After a year, the owner unfortunately stopped the LupArte 2.0 treatment without consultation and this triggered a foreseeable relapse

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Case study
Fibrosarcoma in a cat

1. Before LupArte 2.0 treatment with LupArte 2.0 iron protocol

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Case study
Fibrosarcoma in a cat

2. 2 weeks after the start of treatment

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Case study
Fibrosarcoma in a cat

3. 2 weeks after the start, different view

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Case study
Fibrosarcoma in a cat

4. 3 weeks after the start: clear colliquation necrosis with complete tumor rejection, partly removed by the patient himself because of "itching"

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Case study
Fibrosarcoma in a cat

5. Increasing defect closure through healing skin, approx. 2 months after the start of therapy and strict adherence to the LupArte 2.0 iron protocol. Last contact with the patient 8 months after the start of therapy.

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